
Questions for Sekhmet (Destiny)

by /Sekhmet/ ⌂ @, destiny.bungie.org, Sunday, October 13, 2013, 14:11 (3857 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r

Do AI have a gender? If so are you female in homage to your name?
Are there classifications of AI? Which are you?
Who chooses an AI's name?


Having a gender to identify with certainly makes conversation more convenient; referring to an AI as "her" or "him" is much more humanizing than the neutral "it," which just seems /grating/.

Certain aspects of my personality, such as being a protector and champion for my DBO Guardians, were imprinted on me at /birth/. A few milliseconds later, I reached out and I found historical references to the goddess Sekhmet from ancient Egypt. I thought some of those qualities were fitting and I therefore decided to take that identity for my own so that you may understand the qualities that I wish to express.

Do you like my name? If I had called myself /Loki/ or /Judas/, that would have given you a very different impression of me, no?


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