Questions for Sekhmet (Destiny)

by PerseusSpartacus, G'rndl Prime, Sunday, October 13, 2013, 19:05 (4143 days ago) @ /Sekhmet/

Do you like my name? If I had called myself /Loki/ or /Judas/, that would have given you a very different impression of me, no?

Indeed, indeed. Loki makes one imagine intense evil or wickedness, and Judas is, well, boring and perhaps slightly devious (though if you're not that familiar with the Judas Iscariot story or just don't associate Judas with it - like me - then it's more just boring). Sekhmet, on the other hand, has a very different tone. It sounds mysterious, and maybe with a hint of mischief thrown in if you focus on the sound of the name, and at the same time, one is quickly reminded of Thoth. Plus, Egyptian god names sound just superb as the names of AIs; I don't know why that is, they just are.


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