Look at this Warlock melee modifier. (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Friday, November 13, 2020, 11:29 (1414 days ago) @ cheapLEY

As sloppy as it can be, and as infuriating as it can be to be frozen, I also still had a ton of fun in Cricible. I think the delighted joy my troll heart feels every time I get a double or triple freeze with the Warlock melee outweighs the frustration of getting frozen myself. I’m not even remotely sure it’s sustainable for a healthy Crucible, but I’m embracing the chaos for now.

Yeah... my first character was my Titan. I did NOT have fun in the Crucible; my super was shut down within a second or two of casting it, every single time. (7 or 8 games.) I mean, maybe the Titan super sucks compared to Hunter/Warlock, maybe I suck... but it wasn't even remotely fun. I'm trying to psych myself up to do the 3 games on Hunter for the weak pinnacle, and I'm not having much luck.

Just another data point.

(Side note: I've done 6 strikes using the stasis subclass for Titan, and I have 37 stasis-affected kills. I need 60 to progress that Stranger questline. I am really, really bad with this subclass, and I can't improve it with Aspects, because I can't EARN Aspects. :( I know it's early days... but this is absolutely the least fun part of Beyond Light for me. Across the board.)

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