
Oh and... (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 13:57 (1410 days ago) @ nico

I'm just sad that "not caring," or to use a more corporate term, "lack of investment" is something I have to resort to in a game I generally enjoy playing!

That’s a strange tension which has existed within Destiny to one degree or another since the launch of D1, I think. Whether it’s RNG loot or storytelling expectations or the desire for a competitive PvP experience, there are plenty of ways this game gets worse the more you care about certain aspects of it, even though Bungie often pushes those aspects as parts of the game we’re “supposed” to care about.

Personally, I think Beyond Light has tipped way further than any previous point in the franchise. I’m just... I’m so confused. I really have no idea how it could launch in the state that it did. I’m not just referring to little issues that’ll get fixed over time.,I think the combination of sunsetting, the DCV, and the stasis subclass are a kind of unholy Trinity that really might kill the game for a large portion of the player base. I’ve already uninstalled D2, and I’d be willing to bet there are a lot of other players on the verge of bailing out as well. And unlike previous points in the franchise, I’m not optimistic that updates or balance tweaks could improve the game for me. Those 3 issues (sunsetting, DCV, and Stasis) are inherent negatives to me. They could be tweaked to have less of a negative effect than they do right now, but I can’t see a way that I would ever consider them positives. I hope I’m wrong about that, but I can’t imagine how Bungie would ever turn them into welcome additions to the game (for me).

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