
Oh and... (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, November 19, 2020, 06:52 (1409 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Damn, that’s a bummer. I’ll certainly miss playing with you. I get it, though. I spent most of the last year not playing Destiny and not really feeling like I was missing much. There’s still truth to what I said when we played the other night: Part of me hopes they do fuck it up so bad that I can finally just walk away from the game for good.

This expansion, despite sort of being dogshit on paper, is the most compelling the game has been for me since Forsaken.

I’m sure I’ll jump back in to check it out when I get a Series X sometime in the next month or two. But for now, I just don’t enjoy the game Bungie is making. Makes me sad as an old Bungie fan, but there are larger problems out there :)

On the flip side, I started playing Gears 5 and holy crap, what an awesome game. I really liked Gears 1-3, skipped Judgement, and was indifferent to Gears 4, but so far 5 is making a good push for my favourite in the franchise. The sheer amount of action going on in some of these campaign missions is just insane, with different groups of friendlies coming together and splitting up, loads of different enemy types, a truckload of great and fun weapons... it’s a blast :)

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