
Splitscreen should make a comeback this generation (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, November 23, 2020, 06:35 (1572 days ago)

The PS5 and Xbox Series X generation SHOULD be the glorious return of splitscreen. Think about it. With 4K the target, a 4 way splitscreen gives each person a 1080p image. Halo and Destiny are both promising 120fps crucible, which means a split screen 30fps lock is guaranteed, and a 60fps lock very likely.

The tech is here for an uncompromised splitscreen experience.

So I wonder why we aren't seeing it? Destiny doesn't support it. We don't know yet about Halo infinite, but I'm leaning towards no. Black Ops 5 only offers two player splitscreen. Why?

I realize that a lot of you here may not have played splitscreen in… well a long time. Maybe it's not important to you. But I think it would be a shame to have a generation of young people for whom playing games with friends means alone in a room with your headset. I think it would be a shame if parents couldn't play with their kids.

I think this is where we should be using the power of these new consoles. Maybe they could create a resurgence of IRL play in this increasingly interconnected and isolated world.

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