
Make decisions for HP *56K warning* (Gaming)

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Sunday, November 10, 2013, 21:28 (4093 days ago) @ HawaiianPig

Heads up, I'm about to burn through one or two years worth of DBO GAF tolerance.


Xbox One: $500
PS4: $400

Announced Exclusives (might not be 100% up-to-date):


Internet Multiplat Console War Outrage:

Xbox One: 720p
PS4: 1080p

Battlefield 4:
Xbox One: 720p
PS4: 900p

Not that you need to worry about lower native resolutions, though. I'll let Chief of Staff for Devices and Studios Group at Microsoft Aaron Greenberg explain why it doesn't matter:


Obligatory Resogun gif:


In Conclusion:


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