
Issue with Xbox game sharing (Gaming)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Monday, November 15, 2021, 07:05 (1191 days ago)

My previous gaming setup was:

Me on Xbox One S and my son on my old Xbox One. I would log into my profile on my box, he would log into his profile on his box. He could then access my games and we could play together.

My current gaming setup is:

Me on Xbox Series X and my son on Xbox One S. Now when he logs into his profile and tries to load a game it says the person who bought the game has to sign in. But if I sign in, then we get the "This profile is being used on another console" and we can't play games together.

I've not found an solution to this online. Anyone know how to remedy this?

Thank you.

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