
The BIG POST of Useful Sites; D.I.M, light.gg, and more! (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Sunday, February 20, 2022, 22:02 (1020 days ago)

Website Tools ( Web Browser Based | L = Login NL = No Login LO = Login Optional )

https://thetraveler.news/ NL
The Digital Newspaper of Destiny Content


-Quick Find Keyword Index -

If you know what you want to go for, quick links are here. No fuss. Have fun! But for the fullest extinction of all the things found, please note the key-sets below. If there is an exact something you're looking for which is not here to be quickly linked, all you need do is Command-F / CTRL-F / Browser Hamburger Menu -> "Find in page" (or something of the like) and...

*A1 - Item Managers
Links: D.I.M | D.I.M ? | D2Checklist | Destiny Recipes
!B2 - Item Database/Managers
Links: Braytech | Light.gg | Destiny Sets
#C3 - "One Thing. Done Well."
Links: Gun Loadout | Armor Loadout | Guardian Builds
%D4 - " Lore "
^E5 - "~Cool Stuff~"
*!F6 - PvE.../...PvP
!#G7 - " G o o g l e & Reddit Docs-"
#%H8 - ( Just a FEW ) Destiny Reddits
1*J0 - =Official Bungie.Inc Sites= (Hint: Not here.) & Bungie Twitters
2!K0 - "Destiny Wiki Links"
3#L0 - Straight to the very bottom of the page.

 ------- *A1 -------

-Item Managers-

 ------- !B2 -------

-Item Database/Managers-

 ------- #C3 -------

One Thing. Done Well.





 ------- %D4 -------


 ------- ^E5 -------

~Cool Stuff~

Note: Log In Key Disabled beyond this point.

(I'll get to this in a bit, putting it here in the mean time)

https://engram.blue/ (Thanks)

Triumph.report (Thanks)

------- *!F6 -------


Public Events Triggers
Vendors ( Yo! Where F*n Xur )
Eververse Calendar
Lost Sector Calendar

Dungeon Report
Grandmaster Report

Raid Report

Guardian Report
Crucible Report
Trials Report

Destiny K/D

"Destiny Tracker"
"Destiny 2 - Callout Maps"

------- !#G7 -------

- G o o g l e & Reddit Docs-
(Note: All Reddit links default to Dark Mode version.)


The Destiny Data Compendium

Pip1n's Destiny Data Compendium

Destiny 2 Damage Buffs/Debuffs + Stacking Graphic + Combatant Types/Champions Guides

Massive Breakdown's Destiny 2 Weapon Stats Spreadsheet

Destiny 2 High-Stat Armour Guide

Damage Chart Madness (PvE, Raid)

Destiny 2 Reset Calendar

How To Armor Stats: A Guide (and Excel template) for Curating Your Vault

How Armor Stats Roll: An Advanced Insight into stat rolls

Weapon Database 1.8.1

Organised recordings of vaulted in-game quests/gameplay (in 21:9 Ultrawide, 60 FPS, base power loadout)

 ------- #%H8 -------

- ( Just a FEW ) Destiny Reddits -

Destiny The Game  Dark Mode Vers. | Light Mode Vers. | "Modern" Format | @DestinyReddit

Crucible Guidebook  Old Format | "Modern" Format

Shard it or Keep it?  Old Format | "Modern" Format | @panda_pax

Raid Secrets  Dark Mode Vers. | Light Mode Vers. | "Modern" Format

Destiny 2  Dark Mode Vers. | Light Mode Vers. | "Modern" Format

Destiny Memes  Old Format | "Modern" Format

Note: It's reddit, so... there are MANY more. These listed here are but a solid baseline.

------- ^*I9 -------



https://i.imgur.com/jVB7oYY.jpg (Condensed)





 ------- 1*J0 -------

7 =Official Bungie.Inc Sites= 7
(Hint: Not here.)

(????)?*:??? https://www.bungie.net/ ???: *?(????)

-- Bungie Twitters --

While there are many others, these tend to give the most useful information.
Note: Twitters attached to mostly water/carbon based meat puppets also sometimes tweet about something called a... lyfe?

------- 2!K0 -------

Destiny Wiki Links



Other Sites

You Are Here
There is No Other Website
Visit ?Front Page?
DBO but with more boobs. (ROFL.)

-------------- CHANGELOG -----------------

V2 - Posted on or about 7/7/2022 | ( RAW CODE V2 )

-Added Change Log
-Reformatted list to be -HOPEFULLY- far more phone friendly.
-Added "Quick Find Keyword Inde><" and necessary text for it to function.
(Note: "x" has been replaced with "><" here as to not be captured by Command-F/CTRL-F.)
-Added https://thetraveler.news/
-Added https://www.d2clarity.com/home
-Added https://www.niris.tv/blog/hpe
-Added "Destiny 2 - Callout Maps" (https://imgur.com/a/PO5Ft)
-Added https://guardianforge.net/
-Added "How To Armor Stats: A Guide (and Excel template) for Curating Your Vault"
-Added "Destiny 2 High-Stat Armour Guide"
-Added "How Armor Stats Roll: An Advanced Insight into stat rolls"
-Added "Pip1n's Destiny Data Compendium"
-Added "@Mercules904" to Bungie Twitters
-Removed "Added by The DBO Collective" section
-Updated About Section
-Updated "Wiki Links" to "Destiny Wiki Links"
-Updated "- G o o g l e Docs-" to "- G o o g l e & Reddit Docs-"
-Updated "@_Tocom" Twitter section.

V3 - Posted on or about 3/7/2023 | You ARE HERE .

-With Thanks to Admin, this list can now be updated without Admin permissions.
          -The Catch: It takes me longer now to create the appropriate edits, but... eh.
-Reformatted "One Thing. Done Well. " section, now that there are multiples of sites that do, uh... one thing. Really... really well.
-Added "INFOGRAPHICS & RAID HELP" section. It's a touch messy right now, clean it up at a later date. WYSIWYG.
-Added https://gm.report/ in the "PvE.../...PvP" section.
-Added https://d2foundry.gg/ in the "One Thing. Done Well." section.
-Added https://guardianphotographer.com/ in " ~Cool Stuff~ " section.
-Added @Destiny2Team to " Twitter" section.
-Added "The Destiny Data Compendium" in " - G o o g l e & Reddit Docs- " section.
-Added " Weapon Database 1.8.1 " in " - G o o g l e & Reddit Docs- " section.
-Added "Organised recordings of vaulted in-game quests/gameplay (in 21:9 Ultrawide, 60 FPS, base power loadout) " - G o o g l e & Reddit Docs- " section.
-Added " Complete Destiny Timeline " in Lore (even though it invloves both Google Docs and Reddit).
-Joined "Offical Bungie Sites" & "Offical Bungie Twitters" into one section.
-Updated "Item Managers" section. Changed some text describing how big D.I.M. is.
-Updated Twitter section. Now should be up to date with the who, whats and wheres, as of Early March 2023.


In the X years since the initial 2014 launch of Destiny and 2017 launch of Destiny 2, there have been the enterprising few who (with the power of code) have built website (and app) based tools which (at minimum) help offset Destinies... um... "less-then-robust in-game capabilities".

In other words; These sites make managing your play in Destiny manageable. They are the solid baselines. With these sites you have at your fingertips probably everything the API allows. And for everything else that doesn't use the Destiny API, a ways to possibly fill in the gaps in "The Next Big Thing" this game, this company, shall bring.

As of the version two update, I've chosen to add quick lines of text of what some of the more complected sites have to offer. That said, I still hold true exactly what was stated in this original text; "Don't know what it is? Give it a look!" By all odds, it's PROBABLY not going to hurt you.

I've chosen to keep this list website based only, as this makes it the most universal. Some of these sites may also have corresponding apps/programs for some operating system of your choice, which I expect will be mentioned in their about pages or socials where available. But since I've made this list in a web forum, for my fellow DBO'ers (and Mysterious Lurkers), I felt this focus in a web format was the most reasonable thing to do.

I've also chosen to not to list any non-Bungie "find fireteam" sites as;

If you really need to find some alternative folks to play with, well... it's a search away.

Anything Else?

Why isn't this about section at the top?

Because you only have to read it once.

Anything Else?

Leave it to the forum madman to KEEP hoarding data, m i rite? ;p

You are Welcome. ^_^ Go Kick Ass Guardian!

------- 3#L0 -------

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