
And It Goes Both Ways! (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Thursday, October 27, 2022, 07:47 (846 days ago) @ Cody Miller

First off, yes—what everybody else has said.

Second, everyone else is missing out, too. ;-)

I'm quite possibly the last person here still playing D1, and I play it religiously.
You Destiny 2 punks talk about Cody missing out...just the other week, D1 had Grenade Nirvana.

Every single endgame activity—Daily Heroic Story, Weekly Heroic Strike, Weekly Nightfall, Challenge of the Elders, and Mayhem Crucible, ALL of them—had Catapult on. Shaxx was probably pissin' his pants. XD

But yes, D2 and D1 are still rockin' pretty good.

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