
Hey ChatGPT - Examine Destiny using a Marxist framework (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, January 15, 2023, 00:12 (479 days ago)

Examining the video game Destiny within a Marxist framework reveals a number of interesting perspectives on the game's story, characters, and gameplay.

From a Marxist perspective, Destiny's story can be seen as a reflection of capitalist ideals. The game's plot centers around a powerful, capitalist elite known as the "Traveller," which is responsible for creating and maintaining a powerful, advanced civilization. The characters in the game, known as Guardians, are tasked with protecting this capitalist elite and preserving its power and wealth.

The game's characters and storyline also reflect the class struggle that is central to Marxist theory. The Guardians, who are typically working-class individuals, are tasked with fighting against the various "Enemies" of the Traveller, who represent the oppressed masses. The Guardians are also rewarded with power and wealth for their efforts, further emphasizing the capitalist ideals of the game.

In terms of gameplay, Destiny can be seen as a reflection of the capitalist concept of "alienation." The game's focus on repetitive tasks, such as grinding for loot and completing the same missions over and over, can be seen as a reflection of the monotony and alienation experienced by workers in capitalist societies.

Furthermore, the game's emphasis on individualism and competition among players can also be interpreted as a reflection of capitalist ideals. Players are encouraged to compete with one another for resources, power, and prestige, rather than working together for the collective good.

In conclusion, examining the video game Destiny within a Marxist framework reveals a number of interesting perspectives on the game's story, characters, and gameplay. The game's emphasis on capitalist ideals, class struggle, and alienation can be seen as a reflection of the capitalist society in which it was created.

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