
Is this weeks story mission worth discussing? (Destiny)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 11:02 (699 days ago) @ bluerunner

They've been hinting at Amanda's death with the same subtlety as they did when Rohan said "I'm 2 days from retirement" and winked at the camera.

She's been my favorite since D1 and I've wanted to see her in more of the story. Finally did just for them to randomly off her because I guess they needed someone to die. At least they dropped a ton of hints that she'll be back as a guardian.

But I assume you mean the ending with Zavala. That hit way different than they intended. That was tough to watch. But what a tribute to his acting ability in that scene. I feel like there should eventually be some kind of memorial in the tower that plays those lines.

I was just talking about Amanda. Her previous dialogue painted her as having a slight chip on her shoulder that she wasn't a guardian. But if she stays dead, that gives a purpose to Crow and it would be cool to finally see something happen around him.

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