
Bungie jeopardizes Last of Us Multiplayer (Gaming)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 12:27 (324 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I mean opinions aside (Destiny 2 is very good and a large part is because it uses a live service model well IMO) Naughty Dog chose live service for a multiplayer game. Bungie is one of the few developers who have been able to really understand the space, lessons they learned from faceplanting, getting back up and improving. Even if you are bitter about the system better to have bad implementations then yet another Live service game dying in flames no?

We don't know how intrusive or even what kind of live service the game was going to be - only that it would not generate lots of money in Bungie's opinion.

What is lots? Could it have been sustainable or profitable just at a smaller scale?
How intrusive or unintrusive were these live systems?
How good was the game?

My gut tells me that the game probably was pretty good given Bungie's appraisal. But we won't, and may never know. Because they killed it.

I think you're taking a pre-decided and cynical point of view to it. If the gameplay isn't fun, then it won't make money, period. Not saying your assessment is wrong, but you know there is more nuance involved than just a group of briefcases coming in and shredding the blueprints.

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