
CoD, Activision, and Destiny (Gaming)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Sunday, December 01, 2013, 12:51 (3962 days ago) @ Schooly D

Related Q1: how important is "full creative control" when you're forced to output feature games on what amounts to a 1.5-year dev cycle? How easy is it to break new ground each time?

If Bungie agreed to whatever schedule they might be on, looking at what they've accomplished in the past and feeling that they could hit those marks, then it doesn't affect "full creative control" in my opinion. Creativity can actually be greatly helped by a deadline, if it's realistic for you.

Also, I sometimes wish Halo had never reached that level of popularity where parts of the industry, journalism, and fans made it fencing partners with CoD. I've always viewed that pressure as a far greater danger to Halo and Destiny's originality.

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