
Stupid defense that will never work. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, March 07, 2025, 00:04 (2 days ago) @ Coaxkez
edited by Cody Miller, Friday, March 07, 2025, 00:07

I realize that, but what I was attempting to say is that I don't understand how selective enforcement can be used to argue unfair or illegitimate termination.

He gets to keep the stock if he were fired without cause. He was fired with cause, so he could not keep it. He wants to keep it. So he wants to poke a hole in the 'for cause' part of his firing.

The first argument is that he never actually violated any policies, and thus there is no grounds for a for cause firing.

The second argument is that even if he did violate the policies, his conduct was not out of place given so many others at Bungie were doing it who weren't fired. This means that they specifically singled him out because they didn't want him to keep the stock. That would mean they weren't operating in a manner of fair dealing.

I mean, if 50 million dollars were on the line wouldn't you make every argument you could that had any chance at all of winning the case?

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