
Game Informer Chris Butcher Interview (Destiny)

by Zeouterlimits, Ireland, Saturday, December 07, 2013, 03:14 (3802 days ago) @ Xenos

If you’re kind of in an underdog type of situation, then we make sure that we give you both the investment rewards, but also call out that you’re doing a really good job in this particular match. For example, when we play in the studio playtests there is always the guy that has the sniper rifle and likes to sit up high. So he’s getting a lot of kills and that’s really satisfying for you to take him down. Maybe you get three kills on him over the course of the match but it’s satisfying to you and the game rewards you for doing it because you’re an underdog in that situation.

Makes the hair on my neck tense up slightly.
Backpats all round is not my favourite brand of competitive multiplayer, but it's hard to know what he really means when speaking so generally.

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