
DO IT! You'll love it :-) (Off-Topic)

by Spawn ⌂, Tuesday, January 21, 2014, 20:36 (3808 days ago) @ marmot 1333

I have been skydiving a couple times before.

1st time was a couple summers ago here in Michigan, beautiful day. You'll go on a tandem jump with the instructor attached to you. It's quite a rush. You go through a 30 minute hands on course so you kind of know what's happening when they tell you the different commands.

When you're going up in the plane you just have to have an open mindset that you're not going to be coming down in the plane. It's simply a mind over matter deal and you'll definitely enjoy yourself on the way down. There are simply no words to describe the feeling.

I usually go every other summer now, still tandem jumps. You can't jump on your own unless you have at least a few dozen jumps and go through training courses. But for the average Joe to go jump out of a plane, you can't go wrong. Definitely worth it!

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