Beta timing (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Friday, February 07, 2014, 10:48 (3738 days ago) @ Xenos

While that's important, because lord knows I don't want to buy Destiny and be dealing with horrible server issues like with Halo 4, I also don't want to be dealing with a game that was poorly tested, unbalanced, and a mess. Halo 3 had a lot working well for it in the Beta, then Bungie changed things up (particularly with how the melee system worked, not to mention some major weapon imbalances) that took four months to fix.

Reach's Beta pointed out plenty of things, some were fixed, others weren't. Don't ask me how the Reach Banshee still manages to be so overpowered even after 343's fake TU. I would really like it if Bungie made this Beta about more than servers, especially when fixing bugs, getting proper balancing, and gameplay in general are so important to a game in the long run.

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