
If you are upset (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, July 09, 2014, 19:18 (3789 days ago)
edited by Cody Miller, Wednesday, July 09, 2014, 19:21

Cancel your pre order. Make your point. It has worked in the past.

Blizzard announced it would require users to post their real names on their forums. Later they rolled back this policy. Why?

The answer was that people canceled their Diablo 3 and WoW preorders and let Blizzard know it was because of the new RealID policy:


Almost a quarter of the preorders were canceled. This got Blizzard's attention, and they caved in. Pre orders are important, since it's an indication of how well a product will do, as well as a signal to retailers as to how hype it is and how much to stock. So important, that beta access has been used to entice you.

If you REALLY are upset about the exclusives, then Xbox owners need to cancel their preorders en masse. You actually have to do it and follow through though.

I myself don't preorder, so there's nothing to cancel. Get on reddit or something, organize a mass cancelation, then watch Bungie backpedal. It has been done for Blizzard, it can be done for Bungie, but only if you all stay pissed off and actually take action.

Don't stay butthurt xbox users. I am completely on your side here, but I have the luxury of having a PS4 so I'll just have to support you all in spirit while I'm playing the beta and you're not.

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