Does it *really* matter? (Destiny)

by petetheduck, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 12:00 (3875 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Would you rather have Bungie spoon-feed you every scrap and tid-bit of information right now about how Destiny's leveling mechanics work, or would you rather wait and experience it first-hand? As I understand it, they're continuing to be cagey with the details because they'd rather the community delve in and figure all this stuff out for themselves.

He could always buy the strategy guide. I wish Bungie would have went with Future Press instead of BradyGames, but oh well :-p

Considering the complexity, it would be cool if DBO had it's own "Noob Guide to Destiny" or something, covering the basics.

For example, I talked to a guy that didn't know enemies had different levels, didn't understand the number on their health bar indicated anything. He was confused why enemies were taking different damage.

Just sayin'..

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