
I'm excited again... (Destiny)

by Jester GS, Earth, Saturday, August 02, 2014, 11:51 (3575 days ago)

So, back in the day, I was excited about every Halo that came out. I was a huge Bungie fan. I went back and played Marathon because I wanted to see where they came from. I went to midnight releases of every Halo from Halo 2 on. I was active at HBO. But then, several things happened...
I switched jobs and wasn't able to sit at a desk all day anymore. I became a Youth Pastor. My son got involved in sports. I became a foster parent. In general, life got busy. But that wasn't what really drove me away.
I picked up Halo 4 at midnight with Mariachi. We were excited. We went back a played through the campaign together, a time honored tradition. It was enjoyable, but I can remember thinking then, "Wait, what is going on?" The reality was, Halo 4 was forgettable. It was a good, fun game, but I just had no desire to go back to it. I played Spartan Ops and like it with friends, but the competitive multiplayer wasn't as fun. It just didn't capture that "fun" feeling for me. I just wasn't excited for it. And as such, I lost my excitement for the future of Halo.
I heard about Destiny, but I didn't have time to really dig into it. I preordered just in time to get into the Beta. Man, I'm glad I did.
I had so much fun playing the beta. I didn't want to stop. Every encounter felt familiar, but fresh and new. I can't wait to play the full game Bungie has created.

Thank Bungie, you rekindled my fire. I'm excited again.
-Jester GS

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