More Excited than I was. (Destiny)

by yakaman, Saturday, August 02, 2014, 16:37 (3575 days ago) @ DEEP_NNN

Initially I was turned off by all the floaty jumps, glowy ball magic attacks and the MMO aspects.

The Beta relieved me of some of those issues.

I do not take Halo 4 as a catalyst for a possible hiatus from Halo or a move to Destiny. 9 steady years of Halo and I need some change, at least for awhile. TITANFALL has filled some of what I need for now and Destiny will too.

I've actually been playing H4 again and enjoying it, far more than I did originally. I think too much Halo without some variety is bad. So, I'm happy with Halo, and am looking forward to the MCC and H5.

That being said, to Jester's OP...I feel a ton of anticipation and excitement for Destiny. I absolutely loved the Warlock's lift once I got used to it and feel downright laborious in H4.

Simply put - I loved the beta, and best of all - so did my friends. That's worth the $60 price of admission, easily. I feel downright giddy thinking about all of the secrets to be uncovered.

A grand new adventure, just over the horizon.

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