It's illegal, but apparently Bungie doesn't mind... (Off-Topic)

by bluvasa, Tuesday, August 05, 2014, 18:49 (3610 days ago) @ Mariachi

Anything that is "confusingly similar" to this logo is infringing on Bungie's trademark rights: Destiny TM

Any creation (and I mean any) that is derived from any of Bungie's IP, runs a risk of copyright infringment due to the breadth of their rights in "derivative works".

If you make it and use it personally, you are okay. If you make it and generate any money from it (even website ad revenue), you are infringing.

However, just because they have the rights doesn't mean that they will choose to enforce them. It often will make better business sense to ignore the small fish and avoid any bad press for beating up on your fanbase.

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