Crucible gametype team scores standardized (Destiny)

by ireallylovelists, Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 19:32 (3564 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I am not saying that CTF as we think of it would work in Destiny (lots of possible balancing issues with supers and character abilities and weapon abilities and ...).

It is probably a reasonable conceit from Bungie that the most popular matchmaking playlists for all shooters in general are variations of deathmatch so Bungie is trying to make interesting variations of Deathmatch (and not too many).. I think it is reasonable for matchmaking (not to mention that deathmatch games are more resilient to quitters and join-in-progress).

Hopefully we will get some type of private rooms and more options for custom matches.. if we get custom matches.

In any case, this is not a complaint, just more of an observation.

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