
Sell the screenplay rights. (Destiny)

by Penthesilean, Saturday, August 23, 2014, 17:21 (3843 days ago) @ bluerunner

Also, +1 for 'hither and yon'.

While driving to an appointment in a double lane, some guy in the lane next to me wasn't watching where he was going, and drifted right into the left side of my car. Instead of pulling away, he sort of...panicked, I guess, and steered into me even harder the moment it happened.

Crushed my left side, folded my wheel underneath like it was trying to be all S.H.I.E.L.D.-y, and left me fighting the wheel to pull over without playing snow-plow the ped-x'rs, or get creamed by traffic behind me.

I should have called the cops first thing, then maybe insurance. But nope. Called my boyfriend instead. Not sure why that is...

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