‘How do I get out of this chicken sh*t outfit?’ (Destiny)

by kapowaz, Monday, August 25, 2014, 14:14 (3542 days ago) @ RC

I don't know if raiding is necessarily going to be my bag. I'm already not sure if PvP is for me, but... I've been a raider. I've done the whole scheduling thing, the breaking off drinks with mates on a weeknight because if you're late you might get benched. The rush home from work and the eating terrible fast food because it's quicker to prepare.

Don't get me wrong, there have been some amazing highs. Leading my first raid and taking down Four Horsemen for the first time. Lead tanking Yogg-Saron and getting him down after days of trying. That feeling as you all erupt into whooping and cheering over the voice chat... Nothing* else has come close. I've never been in a sports team, but I have to imagine it's similar to scoring a goal or winning a cup or something.

I'm reserving judgement until I know more about what raids are like before I'll know if I want to be a raider. I want to see it, but I also don't want it to become another job. We shall see!

By the way...

If it could be done with any less than 6 players, it would necessarily be easier

This isn't usually how it goes down. The more people you have, the easier it is for dead wood to hide in plain sight, slacking off. Smaller groups means everyone has to pull their weight, or you fail. Six in a raid is just small enough that I doubt there will be much room for people who don't do their best...

*Actually, one thing did. I've only ever played Left 4 Dead once. It was a matchmade experience with three others, and for an hour and a half we tried to escape via the hospital roof. When we finally did, we all reacted as though it was real, and we really had just escaped with our lives. The experience was so perfect I couldn't bear to play L4D again, so I never did.

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