Aspiring Raiders Wanted (Destiny)

by Oholiab @, Monday, August 25, 2014, 14:32 (3542 days ago) @ RC

I, for example, am a classic solo-player, lone-wolf-ish archetype: campaigns are my main staple, and though I play a fair bit of competitive MP and co-op, it's rarely with pre-formed teams.

But, hell yeah, I want to do the Raid. I want 5 other people to come crush it with me. It's gonna be good. Bonds will be forged. Memories made. There will be frustration, but I feel like it's gonna be worth it :)

You echo my sentiments. Having never player an MMO, I have no idea what a raid looks like. I'm not even sure I will have enough free time in one settling to tackle one. But if it gets me more Destiny, and I get to play with a like-minded team, count me in.

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