
A feature I'd love to have... (Destiny)

by Doooskey, Kansas City, MO, Wednesday, August 27, 2014, 12:33 (3839 days ago) @ scarab

How can a game that bungie has been working on for eons have a not elegant party system?

Wasn't this supposed to be seamless matchmaking raised to a new level?

I think they have exchanged the "digital couch" for watching your ships in orbit. The Tower is better than orbit, but Explore mode would be amazing for partying up.

My old school Bungie party up system was to start a custom game while I waited for my friends. I'd start a Halo 2 match on Zanzibar and go "Barrel Jumping" by ramming the Warthog or Ghost into the explosive barrels and watching the chaos. Funny thing was... Sometimes we'd fill that custom game up with 11 or 12 of us and we'd keep on Barrel Jumping. It was part of the magic of Halo 2, we still joke about it today. If we had custom games, that'd still be a good option. Explore mode with 6 Guardians code be it whole own kind of Space Magic.

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