
A feature I'd love to have... (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Thursday, August 28, 2014, 16:27 (3838 days ago) @ Doooskey

Since this game puts such an emphasis on playing with friends, and partying up often takes time, I would love for the "Explore" mode to be available for parties of 6. In the Beta, you could only do 3, except for Orbit, and the Tower. I think it would be a blast if at least 1 or 2 of the explorable areas allowed for parties of 6.

It would be quite a bit more fun to wait on guys while you run around on a planet, then while you stand around in the tower or wait around in orbit.

yes, please

Anyone else think this would be fun? Would parties of 6 break the explore mode feel? What about public events? Do you think certain Explore areas (say Venus) could be designed specifically to allow for this larger party?

I don't know and I can't bring myself to care, I want it regardless.

If I were really allowed to dream, there would be even larger party opportunities (in explore) for those nights when you have a ton of people on. You would eventually divide up into smaller groups, but I'd rather have that discussion while blasting Vex and Fallen on Venus than just chilling in party chat.

That's just what I was thinking reading the first part of your post. :D

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