
Exotic Weapon Bounty (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 20:40 (3731 days ago) @ SigbiasSilva

Do you want to do it with me? Just add or send me message on Xbox and we could attempt it.

On Playstation. Ooops. :-(

I've got a friend that needs it done too. So with you we could form a fireteam and finish it. Two birds with one stone.

If you're up for it, want try on the weekend?

Can you do it friday night? I'm doing real cool things all weekend that aren't playing video games :-p But yeah, I'd love to help you guys.

Yep, Friday should be good! We're able to play pretty late, so the time zone thing shouldn't be an issue at least :)

We'll catch you on there!

Sweet dude, I'll get on 7ish pm PST, or earlier if need be. I don;t know where you guys are.

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