Reached Lv20... Lost interest. (Destiny)

by yakaman, Monday, September 22, 2014, 13:22 (3758 days ago) @ Hyokin

Yeah, it's kinda weird how much I thought I'd play Destiny before I came out, and now that I have it, playing after story completion just seems pointless. Sure, there are Raids and everything, but big whoop. Equipping shitty gear just because of its light rating to rank up is kinda bullshit. Not to mention...

I really preferred just regular experience points and level ups. I don't really like the Gear/Light leveling system. :\

Crucible is kinda shit.

I am a lot better at it than I was in the Beta, but I still really REALLY dislike it.

And herein lies my philosophical limitation: I don't quite hate Crucible, but I really dislike it. At this point (level 23), it exists as one of the most focused paths forward.

I will not play it to level up. I will not play it until I can tolerate it. I will not willingly give my time in order to progress past artificial constraints. I will not learn which guns give such tremendous advantage. I will not grind through it for an exotic bounty.

It was way more fun to level normally, and this level up from random drops stuff is almost immoral. I'm only partially exaggerating.

Why does this make me so mad? Because I've realized that the best thing about playing Bungie's games has been this community. I want to like Destiny so I can come here and discuss with all of you. I needed Destiny to be great because I love this forum and want to share experiences.

And if I give up on Destiny I will have less reason to come here.

DBO: I just can't quit you.

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