About Raid Plans for Saturday - The other side of the coin (Destiny)

by Webshift1, Tuesday, September 30, 2014, 11:06 (3516 days ago)

I can completely understand the desire to go in spoiler free. Experience everything for the first time, through un-jaded eyes. Perhaps it's from a few years worth of raiding in WoW, and while I enjoy experiencing the story for the first time, I like knowing strategies for my boss fights in advance.

Not saying anyone needs to go through and arrange groups on preference as that would be a lot of work. Not trying to create headaches. There are just positives to knowing the strategies for conquering these bosses. The littlest things can wipe the raid if you don't know what you're doing and lead to hours of frustration. I'd like to prevent that.

Perhaps a hybrid approach would be best. The people who want to watch youtube strat videos can do that, and not say anything the first few times on a boss. Until the group asks, and then we go over strategies.

Thoughts, Comments? Btw thank you to those of you who have joined me lately to play. It's been a blast.

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