
I want to play, but .... (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Tuesday, September 30, 2014, 22:29 (3517 days ago) @ serpx
edited by General Vagueness, Tuesday, September 30, 2014, 22:50

I want to play, but all of my friends are already way deep in the level 20s. So, I feel like, how can I play with these people? I can't be apart of their high level strikes. From someone who hasn't played the retail version yet, what are my options, and how long does it take me to catch up?

Having a full time job, it can be difficult to spend the hours needed. I hear there's events that can take hours to complete. Is this game manageable for those with busy lives?

I haven't got the game yet. I probably won't get it till November/December. Disappointed on the effort on story so far, but the game looks fun at least. Bungie is good at keeping things enjoyable.

Pretty rough estimate going by my progress and what some other people have done: if you play hard, as in spend most of your time killing, and if you make use of bounties, you can get through about a level per hour up to 20. Once you get to 20, if you're lucky and/or you spent time on the right things, you can get gear to jump up another level or two right away. After that seems to be where the grind really sets in, which means it'll take longer to level up and it's hard to say just how long.
They did deliver on providing for people with different amounts of free time, at least. If your time's really limited, you can do a Crucible match (competitive multiplayer) or patrol for a few minutes; either one will get you XP and might get you gear and alternate currencies, and in patrols and parts of all the other modes except Crucible you can get glimmer (the main currency) and items to upgrade things with.

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