
Ultimate bs strats, spoilers, and me being mad inside. (Destiny)

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Wednesday, October 01, 2014, 07:40 (3516 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt

OK first off the cheese that made me upset.

1. The Templar

Standing on a floating platform and taking potshots each time his shield is down while interacting with the regular enemies zero times isn't fun or challenging.

2. Gorgon's Labyrinth.

"Ok guys everyones got the treasure chests aight cool? Ok everyone but me dc and I'll get to the end and then you guys can reconnect cause its too hard for 6 people to sneak"

This is what really pissed me off. This isn't even cheese, this is beyond that realm, this is literally forcing people to not play or experience a gamespace so you can get to your fucking loot faster. (speaking of I only got shards and energy, at least my thorn will be ready for buffs lol)

3. Friend drama crap.

Aight so my friend Squid (he doesn't go here) has basically been part of my fireteam along with my brother Nick. Nick and I are basically playing for fun and I personally enjoy challenges and puzzles in my game design. Hell even cheesy strats are fun if you are forced to come up with them on the fly. (halo 2 legendary was a frustrating blast) I had expressed multiple times that I wanted to go into the raid blind, and my brother feels the same as I. So the raid comes out and Squid watches a stream then runs it without us. Now we are in the middle running it with his friends who have also done it before and there is no sense of wonder or mystery or challenge, they have boiled the game down to numbers and the most efficient way to do x.

It's just crap.

So yeah if you wanna go in blind go in blind, just make sure you are with like minded people. Sorry for the rant guys.

What system?

I've not completed it on PS4 yet but I really want to. I've been exposed to parts. I had fun for what I did.

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