
How much do you expect you'll pay for DLC? (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, October 03, 2014, 22:18 (3503 days ago) @ Jillybean

I'm curious about this - how much are you willing to pay for the next part of Destiny?

For me, I'll be waiting until I see other people play it to make my decision. I don't see myself paying over £7.00

If it adds to the game in a substantial and enjoyable way and doesn't feel like a can that was kicked down the road for three months so it could be DLC instead of on the disk or in a patch, and if it's less than $40 and probably more like less than $35, and if I have time to play it, I'll pay whatever it costs, and I'll save up if I can't get it right away. If it doesn't meet those criteria or if I won't have the time in the next ten months or so to actually play it regardless, I won't buy it, unless it's like $5 or gets that cheap at some point.

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