by thebruce ⌂, Ontario, Canada, Wednesday, March 06, 2013, 08:29 (4338 days ago) @ error_username_not_found


The binary strings from 0001 and 0000 are:


0101110 0101010 0011011 0011010 0011110 0001010 0101100 0010100 0010101 0000101 0001011 0001111 0110110 0101111 0011000 0110011 0011100 0100000 0100111 0011001 0000100 0000001 0001110 0001101 0001000 0001100 0101011 0010001 0000111 0100101 0100010 0010000 0110000 0000010 0100011 0110111 0110001 0000011 0010011 0100001 0101001 0100100 0100110 0110010 0011101 0001001 0010010 0110100 0000000 0101000 0000110 0010111 0011111 0101101 0110101 0010110

and B)

0111110 0100000 0000000 0111110 0001000 0111110 0111110 0111110 0101010 0111110 0100010 0001010 0111010 0000000 0111110 0000000 0111110 0000000 0111110 0100000 0000000 0111110 0111110 0000000 0111110 0111110 0000000 0000000 0001000 0111110 0100010 0001110 0111110 0100010 0111010 0000000 0001010 0111010 0000000 0111110 0000000 0000000 0000000 0110110 0000100 0000000 0100000 0111110 0000000 0101010 0000100 0000000 0111110 0100010 0100010 0010100

A only has values from 0-55, within keyboard range when shifted up to (at least) ascii 32-87

B only has 8 values, and much more visual structure.

My thoughts are that B somehow forms the 'pieces' and A is perhaps instructions on how to 'assemble' them into something meaningful.

I've also tried combining the values by OR, AND and XOR but nothing legible resulted.

With 56 values, that can produce a 7x8 matrix. Perhaps the bits need to be translated x-y to produce 8bit values?

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