
How good is this Thorn exotic quest? I've not done it. (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, October 30, 2014, 01:29 (3489 days ago) @ CyberKN

The plot of the thorn quest was interesting, but it's delivered entirely in 100% skippable text bubbles (in the form of bounties). It simply doesn't draw you in nearly as much as voiceover or, perish the thought, animations, would have. And then it's crazy hard compared to the other bounties. The void damage kills portion is one of the only exotic bounty portions that requires you to be good in order to make progress. If you're a serial 0.5 K/D guy, then you're never going to get Thorn. Part of me likes that, and part of me thinks it's a dick move. Players should be warned in advance if they're going to accept a bounty that is skill based.

That being said, it only took me about 4 hours of crucible to complete, but I think I'm pretty good at the PvP in this game.

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