
Cool but if you're just going to resort to calling fallacies (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, October 31, 2014, 18:05 (3803 days ago) @ kidtsunami
edited by General Vagueness, Friday, October 31, 2014, 18:18

Lets just have a quick look at your post to which you have asserted that I derived a strawman argument from. Where I derived that your evaluation of the DLC is quantitative based instead of qualitative.

I'm not really familiar with DLC outside of Halo,* and it's hard to compare it to Destiny, so I wasn't trying to, but maybe I still was comparing it on some level.
The multiplayer maps, as I meant to say, have basically no worth to me. I have no control over what maps I play other than excluding some depending on the playlist I pick, and my control over what I play on them is very limited too. I can't even pick one map or another or even veto a map. I have yet to play on several on-disk maps; having more to randomly possibly doesn't do anything for me.
The strike is kind of nice, but there's only one. It's just hard to get excited over one more of something.
The raid is kind of nice, but again there's only one.
The story missions are kind of nice, but there are only three, which compared to how many there are already is actually less of an increase than one more strike (for Xbox players), and they're now confirmed to use a lot of geometry that was already created, and I think it's a given there won't be any new enemies or any big changes in how the game plays. Now that I think about it this strike (or these strikes) and these story missions probably won't come up for weekly and daily heroics or bounties either.
It doesn't seem worth it because it's not that much stuff, and because I'm getting less than other people for the same price (albeit not a lot less), and because it just doesn't appeal to me that much.
* side note: I'm not even that familiar with buying Halo DLC, I didn't get into Halo 2 until all its DLC was free, I Halo 3's paid DLC via ODST, I was given some of the DLC for Reach and Halo 4 for winning contests or just because, and I eventually got all of Halo 4's DLC through the game of the year edition

I'm sorry if I misunderstood the post above and incorrectly painted it as an argument strongly about quantity rather than quality. If you indeed have feelings about the DLC's quality which would involve an interesting amount of theory and conjecture rather than judging it by the quantity of the content, then I'm sorry to have strawmanned the hell out of the above post. I would also say, damn, you should work on the clarity of what you're writing, because I'd say the above post was misleading regarding what you actually care about.

Maybe saying it was a strawman was too much, but I do care about quality. I can't prove that to you any more than you can prove I'm more concerned about quantity (because they're both internal to my mind), so I don't know what you're looking for. I will say my posts in this thread certainly imply more care about quantity, but that's because that's the thing I'm pointing out as an issue. I can't judge the quality of it ahead of time anyway-- if I tried, that reasoning would be more suspect than anything I've said above.
Also, resorting to calling fallacies? I know logical fallacies are associated with pale neckbearded autistic nerds, but they're valid concerns and problems that show up with arguments. I try to not bring them up because they're usually serious issues when they do show up and because of those associations, and maybe I should be more careful still, but to say that like it's an insult... I don't know....

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