Mariachi’s list of ways to make Destiny EVEN better (Destiny)

by scarab @, Sunday, November 02, 2014, 03:26 (3495 days ago) @ Mariachi


  • Give us more ability to customize armor uniquely without sacrificing light level.
  • The Shaders are cool, but could be more useful.

An upgrade consumable like the Sparrow upgrade would be nice.

In addition: let us modify the tech trees. Now investment systems depend on us not getting everything we want. They also present us things that let us get closer to what we want. They provide a challenge whose resolution is to spend more time playing.

In that light I suggest:

When I talk of slots or tech tree parts I mean the circles that need to be filled up to enable an ability or increase damage.

So a slot is a circle and upgrading is filling the circle.

Armor and weapons would have editable tech trees. You either start with an item with a big enough tech tree or you get a tech tree consumable from something more awesome than a raid. Or Xur sells them for 30 strange coins ;-)


  • if there was some other means I could work toward to get the gear I want

Modify the tech tree.

Engrams and Rewards

  • All engram drops and rewards should provide equipment only to the class that earned it.

Bungie wants to encourage you to play all roles so probably wont happen.

Public Events

  • Imagine the collective freak out of all the guardians standing around waiting for that event if randomly two walkers dropped instead of one. Or a high level hydra dropped with a flood of Vex.

  • What if events of this type spilled over to other parts of the game. Imagine if you were deep in a strike fighting Phogoth and suddenly you had to defend a Warsat on the lower platform where the Gold chest is. Or you are making your way through Gorgon's Labyrinth and you get an event pop up to take out a high level Gorgon. You could completely ignore these events and continue on with your strike or with the raid, but those brave guardians who take on these "Private Events" could be rewarded with temporary modifiers to help finish the mission they are on. Defeating the high level Gorgon could give your Raid party a damage boost against Atheon or against Oracles.

It's a one time freakout and knowing what you'll find and where helps you plan your daily grind.

We can get public events kick off in the public parts of Strikes.

PEs where you have to kill bullet-sponge-who-runs-away-very-fast have to be killed with fire. If I reload I can't keep up but if I keep up I can't shoot him. If I'm levelling up a weapon and don't have full ammo on everything then I don't even attempt them.

OK, sometimes I do attempt them when low on ammo or with a down level weapon but I usually regret it.

I bet you money that parts of worlds with run-away PEs are less populated than others.


  • Some of the bounties have become too easy as a high level guardian. Got the bounty for melee kills without dying? Just patrol the Cosmosdrome and get it without even breaking a sweat. I propose that each bounty be given different tiers of completion. When you turn in this bounty, you get the reward for the highest tier that you have completed. This way a single bounty can provide a challenge for players of varying levels. With the melee kill bounty, it could look something like this:
    • Tier 1: Melee kill 50 enemies without dying - 2500 Exp
    • Tier 2: Melee kill 100 enemies level 20 or higher without dying - 7500 Exp
    • Tier 3: Melee kill 150 enemies level 26 or higher without dying - 15000 Exp

  • Also, it would be nice to see some new bounties. How about a bounty for completing a strike solo without taking any damage, or a bounty for completing a high level story mission using only melees and grenades. We have bounties already for the fusion rifle, so how about a specific bounty for shotguns or rockets?

Sounds like more grind. Needs much bigger payoffs and more weapon upgrade effect. I don't know if I want to spend more time bountying. My plan was to do bounties then do the things that I enjoy. I don't know if I'd have the will to live after meleeing 150 enemies per day.

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