
People are having their vault storage erased (Destiny)

by Schedonnardus, Texas, Monday, November 03, 2014, 07:28 (3472 days ago) @ petetheduck

Destiny needs to protect player's progression. If all is lost, there needs to be a way to recover things--whether it's a vendor that sells any item you've acquired or something,

This is kind of already in the game. The pre-order and Bungie.net unlockable ghosts/sparrows/ships/emblems can all be re-purchased from the vendor at any time. They just need to apply that to anything you've acquired. That way if you need to make room, or accidentally delete something, you could always buy it back later.

To keep people from abusing this (using the buy back as a "backup vault") have any items re-purchased have a stat reset. So while you'd be able to get your stuff back, you would still need to re-level it.

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