
Newbie Raid on 360 for 9AM EST Nov 8/9 (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Monday, November 03, 2014, 19:57 (3471 days ago) @ narcogen
edited by General Vagueness, Monday, November 03, 2014, 20:00

I'm finally leveled up enough, so I'd love to.
I know you advocate going in blind, and I really wanted to; will this be a chance to do that? If not, I'll probably wait.

Almost. I have glitched into the first sequence and seen a little of it, but not completed it. I think we'll probably have at least 1-2 players who have completed it, but we're going to ask them to keep mum about the details.


I think we'll have a pretty good range. I've got legendary void snipers, machine guns and rocket launchers, and I know some other players do as well, along with a range of exotics (although I don't think I have a void exotic).

so I shouldn't worry, cool

My other details, if you prefer to read them or can't get to b.net: as I said I have Gunslinger fully unlocked and Bladedancer almost fully unlocked, I just have the last four traits/abilities left; I should have at least one or two more unlocked by Saturday. As for the armor, I just got all kitted out with legendaries and an exotic. The exotic is fully upgraded (Crest of Alpha Lupi, courtesy of Xur; the faster revives might help and I'm sure the extra orbs will) and the gauntlets are close, with the helmet a little behind and the boots basically brand new. Once I upgrade my legendaries all the way I should be at 28, and I can get really close to that if not all the way there by Saturday.

I think that's pretty good. I'm about 28.5 right now and I think we'll have at least one 29 and another 28.

Great, so I guess that's set then? I sent a clan join request; I'll stick around until after we finish and then rejoin DBO. The time's pretty early for me (you did mean to put AM, right?) but I'll do everything I can to make sure I'm there. Do we go in at 9:00 or do we meet up at 9:00?

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