
I'm getting sick of Titans with Suros Regimes (Destiny)

by Durandal, Sunday, November 09, 2014, 06:52 (3487 days ago) @ Morpheus

The reason I find the Titan's fist a get out of jail free card, and not the Hunter and Warlock powers is two fold.

First the Titan has no windup. A hunter has two seconds when they activate the power where they have little to no damage reduction and cannot move. Have you ever stood still while under fire in the crucible? I'll bet you didn't last too long. As far as I can tell there is no damage reduction in Gunslinger mode, and the blade dancer one is minor. I have been taken out by a single shotgun hit in both modes. Warlock Novas are a little better in that they are still moving while the short animation goes, but they are still vulnerable and can damage themselves with their own super.

Titans can just fire off their power instantly. Are you a Titan and losing a fight at medium to close range? Super. Did you walk around a corner into multiple guys? Super, need to clear a point? Super. Blade dancers coming? Super. Another titan is in the bubble shield? Walk into it and Super.

The other issue is the damage reduction they get while doing it. I've had Titans shrug off shotgun hits to the face, close range rocket splash and machine gun hits. Often they are down to 25% life or less and then Super to avoid death.

As a hunter I get my super cancelled out all the time. Blade dancing requires you to run right up to people, Gunslinger is better, but you only have 3-4 shots and you better not miss or die while shooting. My warlock hasn't gotten cancelled yet but I have missed on occasion with the nova. Thankfully I can extend the size and duration of my powers such that it is not as big an issue.

So uniquely, Titans super pretty much works in any situation and can be used in clutch situations. Hunters must be very careful to use their power in a premeditated manner or they will waste it, and their power is easy to cancel. Warlocks can't use their power to pull them out of jams, although Solar warlocks get the back from the Dead FU power which is annoying, but they did already give up points.

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