
Fan. Effin. Tastic. My highlights... (Destiny)

by JDQuackers ⌂ @, McMurray, PA, Monday, November 17, 2014, 10:34 (3687 days ago) @ kidtsunami

* Public Events will occur 10-15% more frequently in all public spaces

* Increased the number of Bounty slots in the Inventory from 5 to 10
* Shader preview functionality added to vendor and inventory screens
* Emblems on vendors can now be previewed in the inventory screen
* Armor Stat upgrade potentials added to item compare on vendor and inventory screen

* Added skull modifier descriptions to the Navigation Mode screen

... Okay, I was going to keep going, but there's too many! I'm so glad they are fixing all of these things. I guess I didn't realize that most of them were "broken" but they still bugged me. This is great! Looking forward to getting the update.

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