
Destiny Update v1.0.3 (Destiny)

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, November 17, 2014, 17:47 (3686 days ago) @ General Vagueness

Yeah, but not beyond-several-hundred-megabyte stuff, Halo never did that, not under Bungie or... well, crud, Halo 4 kind of did that, but I thought that was 343i being dumb.

True, I did not expect the individual updates to break the 500MB threshold, but I did expect the entire collection to go well over 5GB, though only allowing for the redundancies I suspect.

You know, I thought of that, and then I thought I was being dumb. I'll try that, thanks.


Keep in mind, though, I have no idea whether it will work or not.

PS: Whenever you hit the return key on posts like this, do it twice. Try to train yourself to do it. The lack of tabulation makes most of your post seem like walls, as stated previously. Hitting return twice will at least give us some sort of clearing. :)

I'll try to remember that.


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