Commendations... (Destiny)

by rliebherr @, St. Louis, Missouri, Thursday, December 04, 2014, 10:40 (3453 days ago) @ stabbim

That is disheartening. Grinding to keep exotics relevant. Grinding to get new legendaries to replace current legendaries (one per rep level). Hopefully the Raid RNG is drastically improved as per Bungie's comment. I don't have an issue with obselecense, my issue is with artificially lengthening the game with gates like this. I like the way the vendors worked pre-DLC. I'd be happy to grind to a new rep level in order to have a whole new selection available. I'm not looking forward to grinding to new rep levels in order to make one purchase - especially with no way to try out or test the purchase.

I hope the commendation is guaranteed to be in each package and not RNG'd or I will be a little displeased.

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