
So Slaughter Rules aren't working? (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, December 05, 2014, 18:06 (3687 days ago) @ RC
edited by Morpheus, Friday, December 05, 2014, 18:11

But they don't work outside of that group? I've joined that game--now that's on my record, and if I didn't fuck off the second I joined, that loss would've been on there. Hell, it might be on there, anyway!


I now have a permanent dip in all of my stats simply because of when I pressed 'a'. That's not right.

Slaughter rules don't always make necessities either. I was once with a team on Skirmish, I believe. We kicked their asses up and down the line, and decided to stay. The next game, they beat us! The score was closer, but still. Skill isn't everything-sometimes, good people have bad days and vice versa.

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