
by kapowaz, Thursday, March 14, 2013, 08:28 (4370 days ago) @ Claude Errera


The first two are the same, right now - if you do not choose a theme, you'll be given the default theme (which happens, right now, to be called 'default'). If you choose a theme OTHER than the default, you can always choose the top choice to be given the default (whatever the default happens to be).

If you choose 'default' (the second choice on that list) and an admin makes a change in the forum settings, and makes 'Web 2.0' the default theme, you will still be using 'default' - because you chose it.

If you choose 'Default (default)' (the first choice on that list), and an admin makes that change, you will be switched to using Web 2.0 - because you asked to use the default theme.

Does this help?


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