
The death of Fusion Rifles in PvE (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Monday, January 05, 2015, 07:15 (3442 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I think some of this snipers vs. fusion rifles debate comes down to one's ability to use sniper rifles, at least for me. I don't hit things reliably with sniper rifles, so given the choice I'll always go fusion, unless my targets are too far away.

There's also survival to consider for the burn-enabled nightfalls/weeklies. For an un-skilled sniper like me, in the time it takes to pop around a corner, find a target, and line up a sniper rifle shot, I'm probably dead (Patience and Time being a possible exception, but only if I'm very careful about the timing). With a fusion rifle, once I have a rough idea where the target is, I start charging, pop out, and fire. The time I'm exposed is much less. I think a sniper could be just as effective, were I able to make quick shots reliably. But I'm not.

I do have an Ice Breaker because the tactical options it offers are just too much to ignore, and for reasons I'm not 100% sure of, I don't seem to have nearly as much trouble hitting with it as with other rifles. Something about the scope and/or the level of aim assist on that one seems to suit me more.

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