How to play against us (DBO)

by petetheduck, Monday, January 26, 2015, 15:59 (3598 days ago) @ Beorn

It's going to be admittedly difficult and will take some luck. The admins and DeeJ are making a fireteam and jumping into Matchmaking on the Control playlist (not the DLC one, just the regular one).

Here's the hard part: you'll have to try to get matchmade against us. Your best bet is to probably set up your own fireteam(s) and watch the Twitch streams; wait until we start matchmaking and try to jump in at the same time. Remember that Twitch streams have a 15-30 second delay, so you'll need to compensate for the delay and preempt matchmaking.

I would love nothing more than to run into a few DBOers on Wednesday evening!

Chances of getting matched up against you guys > chances of beating Crota on hard mode > chances of getting Gjallarhorn

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