
The whole hard Raid takes about 40 minutes... (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 10:35 (3411 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Once you have it down... I ran my alt this morning with a bunch of Randoms cobbled up through DestinyLFG, and we had very little trouble using a combination of tactics... Only one of which our group used the first time.

I actually like the Hard Crota fight, because while the bugs are annoying, you can adapt on-the-fly a lot. You have to. You can use a number of tactics depending on what classes you have, and who is doing what. Sometimes things go south, but you can still recover and adapt.

VoG only had one strategy per area. Only one thing worked, and the trick was staying alive. Now, if the swordbearer is killed, and you survive oversoul, you've got a countdown.

If the sword disappears, the schedule shifts.

If you enrage him a bit too early or too late, you've got a tiny window to drop him a third time...

Each encounter, pulled off right, takes no more than a few minutes, and can be done quickly or slowly depending on planning and execution, unlike VoG, where everything is kind of on a timer...

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